
Have been playing Konarmiya (Kon). Russo-Polish War game on a smaller scale than Red Star, White Eagle (RSWE).

Same topic, but different games. RSWE is classic GDW using a basic Europa-Type-System. You can read about Tim and My adventures playing this fun game here.

Kon starts the action somewhat (chronologically) later than RSWE, and interjects generic aircraft, armor and artillery units, random political events, as well as variable reinforcements and replacements into the game mix.

However, at the heart of Brian Train’s system is the interaction of a lack of ZOCs, voluntary combat, a limited radius for command and control, defensive counterattacks, as well as the ability of “shock” units to continue successful attacks.

Quite a mix.

While RSWE allowed special units the ability to exploit attacks, the rest of Kon’s – can I use the term “Fundamental Chrome” – makes this a game with different feel and approach.

Part of the feel is the smaller scale and accompanying higher counter density. Movement rates are not as dramatic, especially after successful combat, but still significant. The lack of ZOCs allows operational mobility, but that mobility is restrained by the limited command radius of the headquarters units, and, by extension, supply effects.

The generic artillery and armor units provide combat die modifiers and in no way detract from game-play due to a lack of historical designation.

I’m enjoying this game. While RSWE is an old, old friend; this game seems like a new friend.

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