Renaissance Skirmish – Initial Concepts

Ran through the rules last night using a few figures.  Play is quick and straightforward.

Planning to use my random dice to generate the tactical situation for the scenario.  The scenario parameters will include defender alertness, number of defenders outside of buildings etc. (whatever the etc is).

Will use directional dice to dictate where the attackers come from.

Next step is to determine the plan of attack.

When attackers within 8 inches (two moves) Yes/No/Maybe dice will determine if a building is occupied by defenders.  A “Maybe” result will require another role with the building occupied if second roll is a Yes or Maybe.

A four-sided die will be used to determine how many defenders in a building.  Once all defenders have been placed, any remaining buildings cannot be occupied except by defender movement during the scenario.

Should work for starters.  Will give it a go over the weekend.

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