Fall Gertrude – Axis Turn 2

Axis pushed their assaults east of Instanbul.


The 40th Corps attacked Uskudar.  Basic odds were 15:6, AECA of +3, but with significant air assets allocated.  These aircraft staged up to Istanbul.  Two Turk fighter units attempted to bypass the escort.


The ME-110 shot down the P-24, while the P-40 was aborted.  The final odds were 31:8 (!!!), but with a roll of “1” and the +3, the Turk units retreated, with one unit destroyed in a ZOC kill, and the other reduced to cadre.

The attack on Hex 0219 involved the 14th Corps at basic odds of 41:7, with AECA of +3.  One Dornier unit added ground support.  At odds of 6:1, with a +3, on a roll of 5, the Turk units were eliminated.

Axis units to the north and west of Istanbul moved to contain Turkish units but did not attack due to low odds and lack of air support.

German units advanced in preparation for their Exploitation Phase.

In the Exploitation Phase, the 40th Corps pushed hard east, overruning three unfortunate Engineer units (shown off table in the following shot).   Other mech/motorized units advanced east, also, with the SS corps remaining behind to support attacks against by-passed Turk infantry units.

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