Action At Sanwa – Part 1: Preliminaries

The Wandering Mystic, Kibwe Nkruma and his followers entered Kattego some weeks ago.

He quickly alienated  the conservative Kattegoans.  More importantly his disruptive proselytizing drew the ire of Kattego’s leader, Oumar.  Before his arrest order could be carried out, Kibwe fled north to the village of Sanwa.

He had quite a different reception in that village, where the people treated him and his disciples with respect.  The Sanwanians have a number of belief systems, all of which emphasize the supernatural.   Kibwe’s pronouncements resonated with them, and he became a much sought-after soothsayer.

Angered by Kibwe’s escape, Oumar ordered he be pursued, arrested, and brought back to Kattego.

The Sanwanians refused to allow Oumar’s order to be carried out.  Now angered, the usually even-keeled Oumar threatened the use of force.  Once again, the Sanwanians refused to comply, encouraged by Kibwe’s assurances of a great victory.

Anger turned to rage, and Oumar ordered a punitive expedition mounted to take Kibwe by force.  The people of Sanwa  prepared to meet the threat.

As the Kattego Army approached, the Sanwa leaders chose an area of rough ground, just outside the village and overlooked by a small hill, to make their stand.  The small army marched from the city and  waited for the advancing Kattegoans.

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