Red Actions! – Ambush Scenario

Since I’m suffering from a bad case of painter’s block, decided to work on a simple Red Actions! scenario.

This will involve a mixed force of Germans, Partisans and Cavalry attacking a Chinese armed convoy, including a reaction force.

To add some randomness and re-playability, I put together three scenarios for the convoy.  The convoy is either clueless, cautious, or know something will happen.  These readiness states dictate vehicle dispersion, speed and use of the reaction force.

For the attackers, I’ve assigned numbers to each terrain feature for some variability in setup.  Some combinations could be tactically ill-advised.  We’ll see.

Here’s some photos of the set-up and first time messing around with the action.

Convoy Approaches. Germans in foreground, Partisans in woods, and cavalry behind ridge.
Convoy Approaches. Germans in foreground, Partisans in woods, and Cavalry behind ridge.
Convoy Closeup. Need to get a crew for the MG Pickup.
Convoy Closeup. Need to get a crew for the MG Pickup.
Lead Vehicles blasted off road by German machine guns.
Lead vehicles blasted off road by German machine guns.  Reaction Force in background.


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