Campaign Game – Renaldo’s Decision and Other Events

Well, Lord Renaldo’s wheels took a little longer to grind than promised.

The Zanj defeat raised several questions requiring resolution before the campaign continued.  These were 1) how much of the Zanj force was destroyed in the battle; 2) could the Zanj civic leaders be persuaded to provided the Sultan the additional resources to recruit more troops, and, if yes, 3) how many; 4) could the Sultan convince the Inland Natives to abandon their policy of hostile neutrality and provide assistance, as well as 5) convincing local Chinese merchants to seek Ming aide.

Answers to these questions were generated using the Campaign Table (which this process revealed to be flawed and in need of work), D6, and Yes/No/Maybe dice.

While the Zanj  fled the battlefield at Ejiro in great disarray, only two units had been shattered (D6/2).

The army conducted an orderly retreat to the south.  The Sultan hurried to Mwenye to implore local merchants and leaders to provide more support for his army, promising much (hopefully for him, he can keep those promises).  His entreaties were successful (re-roll on government support chart), and he was able to gain four units (D6) in reinforcements.

He also met with  local Chinese merchants, convincing them the Portuguese threat was real.  These merchants agreed to send a representative to the Ming leader in Aden. (Yes die rolls for the two questions).

The energetic Sultan Efe then contacted the leaders of the Inland Natives, requesting they reevaluate their position of hostile neutrality.  Again, making extravagant promises, he persuaded these leaders to at least be neutral, and to re-evaluate their position at an upcoming meeting of clan elders (re-roll on neutrality chart).

Hearing rumors of these activities, Lord Renaldo decided to turn north, and attack the port city of  Behefe.  The rationale is still to gain a victory over the weak defenders, gain a port, and let those results drive events both with his own government, and the local leadership.

His scouts are already determining the extent of the resistance…….

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