What Now?

Back from my trip and slowly cranking up the Spring/Summer planning, although the weather here is anything but Spring-like.  Lots to do and wargaming time will be at a premium.

Interesting Winter for gaming.  Emphasis on Tanks and Advanced Squad Leader.  Tanks filled the bill for a new game with fun rules, along with terrain and model building/painting projects.  ASL provided a means of playing with accumulated game inventory and expending any Christmas gift money.

D-Day at Omaha Beach and Patton’s Best were lost in the shuffle.   Stared at D-Day all the time.  Patton’s Best was sequestered in the trailer, and out of sight out of mind.

My DBA game gathered dust.  Just couldn’t get enthused about the campaign.

Write off D-Day and Patton’s Best.  Pack-em up for another day.

Intrigued by area movement games  Storm Over Arnhem and Thunder At Cassino.  Played Storm Over Stalingrad last summer and enjoyed it (but didn’t report it).  Fun, challenging and not over-complex.  So why not try these.

I’ll get that Early Renaissance DBA campaign going.  I will, I will, I will.





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