Chosin Few

Set up Chosin Few for a change of pace from my State of Siege games (yeah, the Hapsburg Eclipse post is coming soon…baseball is in the way).

Had read several positive reviews about this game but hadn’t spent any time looking at the graphics on Boardgame Geek .

Opening the box was a real revelation, and not a good one . While the topographic map is nice , the troop disposition graphics are not to my taste . The order and event cards with their faux typewriter fonts seem just a little too precious.

The overall look is that of a Euro Game that can’t quite make up its mind

The rulebook is only a few pages long, but does an adequate jobof explaining the game’s mechanics. However, the abbreviated discussion of the campaign , with plenty of space still available, is very disappointing .

Despite this bad first impression, my first few turns of a playthru was good . While highly abstract, the mechanics seem to give a good sense of the challenges facing the US forces.

I’ll bring this one with me when I’m back TAD later this week. Speaking of week, here’s a  photo.

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