Two Ring Circus

High winds with rain turning to snow.  Focus at a time like this?  Just TSATF?  Why not get the Husaria re-set going?

I have the roster sheets filled out, and the armies deployed.  All I need to do is annotate each unit’s initial orders.

Very curious to see the impact of the additional generals,  new light horse units, and a  morale upgrade  to veteran status for selected units will have on the game.

A couple of marginal photos to document preparations.

This marginal shot is looking north.

The Muscovites now have Cossack infantry instead of Dragoons in the woods, with Kalmuck light horse in support.  Ratjars will support the Cossack infantry deployed on the east hill.  Also, there are two medium guns emplaced on the hill between the villages.  Streltsy infantry, supported by cavalry, hold the center.

The Poles have fewer dragoons facing the woods, only one heavy gun (instead of the multiple batteries in the previous game), and Cossack cavalry – supported by Ratjars – on their right flank.  Again, the Hussars are off-table and situated to the rear of the Pancerni (now upgraded to Veteran status) supporting the Haiduks in the center.

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